Lorem ipsum dolor Sit amen consectetur

La Science
Lorem ipsum dolor Sit amen consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

A prominent type of cough medicine is called an expectorant, which is used to help clear mucus (phlegm) from your airway. They don’t stop the cough like cough suppressants do, which is another type of cough medicine. More often than not, you want a productive cough, i.e., you don’t want to subdue or suppress it. This is because coughing is your body’s way of clearing your airway of bacteria and other germs.

If you’re wondering how expectorants work, its actually quite simple – they lubricate your airway. This helps loosen up the mucus and make the secretions in your airway thinner. By loosening up the mucus, expectorants make your cough more productive. This makes it easier for you to cough up mucus effectively and clear your throat. Coughing up the mucus can help with the discomfort you may feel from chest congestion. In addition, since the mucus may contain infectious debris such as bacteria and viruses, coughing it up lowers your risk of infection.

Now, back to ivy!

The common ivy, English ivy, European ivy, or just ivy, is a species of flowering plant that is a kind of rampant, clinging vine. It can often be seen in gardens, abandoned spaces, and wild areas, where it grows on walls, fences, cliffs, tree trunks and all kinds of natural and induced habitats. While this evergreen climber has many ornamental properties, it has a benefit that serves a very important medicinal use as well.

The biological name for this plant is Hedera helix L, which is where we get our name from!

Since decades, the dry extract of ivy leaves has been used for the treatment of respiratory diseases accompanied by productive cough. The tolerance and safety of different ivy leaves extract-containing preparations has been tested and confirmed in several studies around the world.

The use of ivy dates back to ancient Greek times, with none other than Hippocrates—“The Father of Medicine”—touting ivy’s healing properties for a variety of ailments. Dried ivy leaf extract has been used as an active ingredient in the treatment of coughs and chronic bronchitis in Europe for over 20 years and has been available in Canada for over 5 years.

Ivy leaf preparations are obtained as dry, liquid and soft extracts by putting the plant material in a solvent to dissolve compounds and form a liquid extract. The solvent is then partially or completely evaporated to obtain a soft or dry extract.

So, how does dried ivy leaf extract work?

Dried ivy leaf extract, the active ingredient in Prospan® by Helixia®, liquefies the sticky mucus trapped in the airways of the lungs. It then acts as an expectorant, allowing the mucus to be coughed up more easily – since the air passages relax and widen. As a result, you can breathe better.

So that’s what makes it so useful – a naturally-sourced and clinically proven remedy that works for you and the whole family!

They both use ivy leaf extract as the active ingredients to provide naturally sourced, non-drowsy, alcohol-free, dye-free, and sucrose-free remedies to the entire family. Prospan® by Helixia® is also the #1 Pharmacist recommended cold remedy in Canada for the fifth year in a row!

These products may not be right for you. Please read and follow the label before use for a list of contraindications, warnings, precautions, and adverse reactions.

Prospan® by Helixia®, Prospan® by Helixia® Kids, Helixia® Kids Natural Defense®, are registered trademarks of Norwell Consumer Healthcare Inc.

  • Prospan® by Helixia® provides effective relief for people aged 12 and up, and is also available in fresh new menthol flavour.
  • Prospan® by Helixia® Kids provides effective relief for kids aged 1 to 11 and comes in a taste that is kid approved!

They both use ivy leaf extract as the active ingredients to provide naturally sourced, non-drowsy, alcohol-free, dye-free, and sucrose-free remedies to the entire family. Prospan® by Helixia® is also the #1 Pharmacist recommended cold remedy in Canada for the fifth year in a row!

These products may not be right for you. Please read and follow the label before use for a list of contraindications, warnings, precautions, and adverse reactions.

Prospan® by Helixia®, Prospan® by Helixia® Kids, Helixia® Kids Natural Defense®, are registered trademarks of Norwell Consumer Healthcare Inc.